Logo Biblioteca Titta Bernanrdini - Campofilone (FM)

Piazza Garibaldi, 1
Ingresso Via Zara, 1
63828 Campofilone (FM)


Dott.ssa Simonetta Ceccarelli


(+39) 335 59 32 708




On May 5th 1929, comm. Aristide Bernardini, living in Rome, sent the Podestà of Comune di Campofilone a formal request to build in Piazza Garibaldi, Via Adriatica (now Marconi) Vicolo del Falco (now Via Zara) and Via delle Scalette, by using the area of the decrepit houses recently demolished.


The small discrepancy in the construction surface area will nevertheless bring about an environmental renovation and an infrastructural improvement to his hometown. The building was declared habitable on April 1st 1931, as certified by the Podestà of Campofilone.

Prospetto storico del Palazzo Biblioteca Titta Bernardini