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Ingresso Via Zara, 1
63828 Campofilone (FM)


Dott.ssa Simonetta Ceccarelli


(+39) 335 59 32 708




We have used the expression Miscellany, not in its bibliographical meaning, but to indicate collections of heterogeneous materials that our Library possesses. Among these we have identified some collections that will certainly arouse interest and curiosity.

Vintage postcards

Let us begin with the picture postcards published in the early decades of the 20th century: these small postcards were an important and practical form of correspondence, as well as an imaginary source of travel, and over time have taken on an undeniable historical value, as a precious testimony of the past and an object of worship for collectors.


Without going into the merits of the troubled legislation, we would like to recall that it was only in 1907 that the Universal Postal Union recognised the international validity of the picture postcard in the format still in circulation today: on the front the space reserved for the picture and on the back the space to the right for postage and address and to the left for the sender’s message, separated by a vertical line (divided back).

We have selected a few types of vintage picture postcards: illustrations of female figures and children signed by well-known painters (Aleardi, Bertiglia, Koehler) and artistic views of cities (especially magical Venice) and localities issued by important publishers such as Raphael Tuck of London, Ferdinando Gobbato of Venice, Cesare Capello of Milan (CecaMi) and others.


We continue with folding tourist maps, consisting of figured maps (also known as popular cartography) that summarise in just a few folded pages, even just two, a great deal of information with the aim of informing and above all interesting the traveller.


Their composition is designed to be practical and at the same time captivating: in a reduced graphic field geographic plans, thematic maps, views, photographs, symbolic representations, legends and brief news, even of a commercial nature, must coexist. In Italy, the use of this concise type of representation was widespread from the 1930s onwards.

We have selected practical brochures of some of the places visited, invaluable tools and inseparable companions for old and new travellers alike: Belgrade, the islands of Ithaca and Cephalonia, Copenhagen, Dresden, Granada, Ljubljana, Moscow, Rhodes Island, St Petersburg, Strasbourg and Vienna.