Logo Biblioteca Titta Bernanrdini - Campofilone (FM)

Piazza Garibaldi, 1
Ingresso Via Zara, 1
63828 Campofilone (FM)


Dott.ssa Simonetta Ceccarelli


(+39) 335 59 32 708




Walking in downtown Naples, we can find ourselves in Via Mezzocannone, the heart of the university district, and if we walk that street, at one point we will come across a small place where every single shelf is riddled with books. We find ourselves taken into a different universe where we can lose ourselves among...

Between 1951 and 1966, publisher Vanni Scheiwiller started the “Oltremare” series and nominated the translator Giacomo Prampolini as its curator. The aim of this series was to explore the literary tradition, culture and costumes of populations that were very distant both in time and space. Taking a quick glance at some of the titles of...

The "Collection of intellectual compendiums" is the series that we will discuss in this appointment dedicated to the small-format book that we remind our readers to be those texts of small size, if not very small, namely with format in 64° (9x6 cm).. The publishing house dedicated to this publication, which took place between 1916 and...

Taking the traces of the path we began to follow regarding the story of the miniature book or, if not the story, at least the most important collection that were made in such format we realize that, of course, much attention is immediately paid to the great classics of literature. It was between the end...

“I left for Paris in April of the year 1856. On the way I had the pleasure of entertaining myself with a bookseller of Tourin, who suggested me to reprint the four poets in the small edition (10 cm), that were no longer found and Passigli was no longer a printer […] I accepted the...

"Scaffale" is the title chosen for this appointment of the Titta Bernardini Library, involving readers and enthusiasts in a path that would take them to discover the library. What we propose is to physically take, from the shelf, books or collections of considerable interest to propose editorial particularities that can arouse curiosity and interest in...